Assertiveness Skills

What is Assertiveness?

Assertiveness is the ability to state positively and constructively your rights or needs without violating the rights of others. When you use direct, open, and honest communication in relationships to meet your personal needs, you feel more confident, gain respect from others, and live a happier, fulfilled life.

Benefits of Assertiveness

Acting assertive helps maintain honesty in relationships, allows you to feel more in control of your world, and improves your ability to make decisions, you to act passively to conform to these
beliefs. A few examples include the right to decide how to lead your life, the right to pursue goals and dreams, the right to a valid opinion, the right to say how you want to be treated, the right to say “no”, the right to change your mind, the right to privacy, the right to ask for help, and many more. Acting to assert any of these rights leads many people to think they are acting selfish.

Roadblocks to Assertiveness

Fear that you will harm others, or that you will experience rejection and feel shame may prevent you from acting assertive. This is based upon a belief that other people’s needs, opinions, and judgments are more important than your own. Believing assertiveness hurts another person can keep you from meeting your legitimate physical and emotional needs. As a result, you feel hurt, anxious, and angry about life. Lessons learned from parents or caregivers contribute to your beliefs about the legitimacy of your personal rights. This can cause

Is Assertiveness Selfish?

Assertiveness is not aggression. Aggressive means that you express your rights at the expense of another or forcibly deny the rights of others. If you struggle with being assertive, you may have mislabeled assertive behavior by others as aggressive. This may help you feel justified about not being assertive. However, believing assertiveness is aggressive can prevent you from taking steps to improve your assertiveness skills.

Is Assertiveness Aggressive?

Assertiveness is not aggression. Aggressive means that you express your rights at the expense of another or forcibly deny the rights of others. If you struggle with being assertive, you may have mislabeled assertive behavior by others as aggressive. This may help you feel justified about not being assertive. However, believing assertiveness is aggressive can prevent you from taking steps to improve your assertiveness skills.

Practice Makes Better

Recognizing what causes your lack of assertiveness is helpful, but committing to change is more important. Practicing assertiveness skills helps you confront old ways of thinking, helps you become more naturally assertive, and is self-reinforcing. Keeping track of your progress is helpful. Be patient. In the beginning, you won’t be assertive at every opportunity. And you might be assertive in some situations where it isn’t necessary. It’s all part of the process of growing to be more assertive. Notice the general trend of your success. And give yourself a pat on the back
as things change.

Simple Assertiveness Formula

Each time an opportunity occurs to be assertive make notes in a small notebook. Consider keeping it in your pocket or purse. Record:
(1) the specific event that called for an assertiveness response;
(2) what personal right was involved (i.e., the right to say “no”);
(3) how you responded. What did you say?
(4) what you did well in this situation; and,
(5) reminders to yourself about what you will do next time to be assertive if this situation is repeated.

A Few Assertiveness Tips

Assertiveness frequently means using “I statements” combined with a word that describes “what” you want. For example, “I want”, “I need”, “I would prefer”, “I do not like”, “I am upset about”, etc. Be careful not to minimize such statements by couching them with questions that subordinate your needs. Example: “I don’t want to go to the store with you – do
you mind?” or “I’m tired, can you do the dishes tonight — is that okay with you?”

Capsule Course in Resume Writing

Top 10 Effective Resume Checklist To Survive The Screening

1) Keep it short. The effective resume is preferably one page, two at the most. If you’ve written a novel, tear it apart and whittle it down to one/two pages.

2) It must be easy to read. That means the effective resume is well organized with clear headings, brief statements of responsibility, bulleted points for emphasizing achievements.

3) It must avoid overly specific professional jargon. Keep in mind that your resume is likely to be read first by someone in the HR department who may not have a clue what you’re talking about when you say... "Chaired brain dump resulting in a turnkey solution to improve customer’s ROI." Rather, talk like an earthling and state it plainly: "Boosted customer sales 20%." Take care to craft a resume with universal appeal so as to at least get to the starting gate.

4) Curb your design enthusiasm. That means limiting your font selection to one or two. Use the traditional and popular New Times Roman if you prefer lettering with a serif, or consider Arial, Helvetica or Verdana if you prefer san serif fonts, lacking the slight projection finishing off a stroke of a letter. Go easy on the bold and the underlining. And limit your paper selection to white or beige with a weight of 22 or 24 lb. Black type.

5) The effective resume is tailored for a specific position. I understand that may mean cranking out slight variations of your resume every day of the week to target different job postings. Nobody said a job search was a walk in the park. Jump over to Job Resume Objective for more on this.

6) Portray yourself as a problem solver.

7) Quantify your accomplishments with hard numbers whenever possible.

8) Don’t mention your current, or expected salary on the resume.

9) Don’t mention personal information, like whether or not you’re single or married, whether or not you have kids, whether or not your hobbies include golf or listening for extra-terrestrials with the modified ham radio contraption in your garage. Especially that last one.

10) Check, check, check for misspellings. Don’t ever, ever, ever submit a resume or post it online without doing a spell check.

Maximizing Human Resources Management

Maximizing Human Resources Management

In a corporate world wrought with scandal and threatened on all sides by an often times uncertain economy, employers are compelled more than ever to make sure that they are getting all that they can from their workforce. Adding to the urgency of the problem is the fact that the optimization of a workforce is a far from simple procedure. Fortunately, however, there are many benefits in making use of HR managementtheory, and business leaders everywhere are achieving great results by turning these new concepts into a reality.

In the old days, the process of human resources was a relatively benign affair. Payroll and benefits administration– and some employee recruitment – were primary items on the agenda for the HR department. But a combination of improved technology and a push for workforce optimization has convinced HR specialists into the new and innovative realm of human capital management.

While HCM theory is molded around the age-old principle that the workforce is a company’s fundamental asset, it strives to lay out a series of steps by which employers can actually turn this idea into a reality, and thereby see positive results in areas like productivity, long term employment and a constantly rising level of profit.

A major factor contributing to the shaky ground on which some businesses stand these days is the generally low number of qualified job seekers at large in the labor market. Coupled with the problem of increasingly high rates of employee turnover, business leaders are finding it increasingly difficult to attract and retain the top talent necessary for their expected levels of productivity.

That’s why one of the primary items on the list of crucial Human Capital Management goals relates to making sure that employees actually care about the work they are doing. This not only helps a company by increasing the level of output quality, but it encourages lengthy terms of employment so that a core talent base can see a company through the important evolutions it must undergo, especially in these times of uncertainty.

Another important way for an employer to capitalize on his or her workforce is by harnessing the power of HR software technology. The opportunities for workforce improvement through technology are limitless, but it is worth pointing out one of the excellent programs that can really take off through a good HCM system.

Creating employee incentives is a crucial element of effective Human Resource Management. Surprisingly, however, this field has a lot of room for error. It seems that the reason behind this is largely based around the fact that employers more often than not find themselves in the dark as to how to entice their top talent without decreasing ROI. In order to create a comprehensive program for determining what levels of pay and benefits increases will work to promote better performance, there are a myriad of factors to take into account.